Old Useful G.Os



Wednesday 15 April 2015

GO 39 PRC 2015 Loan and Adcances Other Advances 10th PRC Recommendations

Loans and Advances in RPS, 2015 

Telangana Government has been released Loans and Advances G.O to their employees i.e. G.O.Ms.No. 39 Finance (HRM.IV) Dept. Dt.15.04.2015, based on the recommendations of Tenth Pay Revision Commission, orders were issued implementing the Revised Pay Scales, 2015 to the State Government employees.

        The Tenth Pay Revision Commission, inter alia, has recommended the enhancement of ceiling for various existing advances for which Government employees are eligible as per Rules.

         Government, after careful consideration of the recommendations of the Tenth Pay Revision Commission and in modification of the existing orders in Government Order 1st read above governing sanction of advances to Government employees, hereby enhance the ceilings as recommended by the Tenth Pay Revision Commission, as follows:

Nature of Loan

Pay Ranges in Revised Pay Scales, 2015

Enhanced Ceiling Amount in Rupees


Maximum monthly instalments for recovery Prl.      Int.

Rate of interest

Motor Car Advance

Employees drawing basic pay of Rs.37,100/- and above.

Either 15 months’ basic pay or actual cost of vehicle or Rs.6 lakhs, whichever is less.

135       65

For Class. IV employees @ 5.00% p.a.
For others @ 5.50% p.a.
Motor Cycle/ Scooter

Employees drawing basic pay of Rs.22,460/-p.m. and above.


Either 7 times of basic pay or actual cost of vehicle or Rs.80,000/, whichever is less.

80        16

For Class.IV employees @ 5.00% p.a.
For others @ 5.50% p.a.
Moped  Advance

Employees drawing basic pay of Rs.16,400/- p.m. and above,
and for all Drivers who have completed
2 years of service irrespective of their pay as above.


Either 7 times of basic pay or actual cost of vehicle or Rs.35,000/-,
 whichever is less

60        16

For Class.IV employees @ 5.00% p.a.
For others @ 5.50% p.a.

Bicycle Advance



Actual cost of Bicycle or Rs.10,000/,
whichever is less
(All employees including Class -IV, except to those for whom advance for the purchase of Motor Car/Motor Cycle/Moped was sanctioned earlier)

26         4

For Class.IV employees @ 5.00% p.a.
For others @ 5.50% p.a.

Marriage Advance


Either 15 months pay or Rs.75,000/- whichever is less for Class.IV employees.
1,25,000/- or    Either 15 months pay or Rs.1,25,000/- whichever is less for others.

Either 15 months pay or Rs.1,00,000/-whichever is less for Class.IV employees.
Either 15 months pay or Rs.2,00,000/- whichever is less for others.

For the Marriage of Male employees themselves or for the marriage of sons of the male/female employees.

For the marriage of  Female employees themselves or for the marriage of daughters of the male/female employees.
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For Class.IV employees @ 5.00% p.a.
For others @ 5.50% p.a.

 Personal Computer Advance

Employees drawing basic pay of Rs.16,400/-and above. (Judicial Officers are not eligible).


 Actual cost of the Personal Computer or   Rs.50,000/-, whichever is less.

135      65

For Class.IV employees @ 5.00% p.a.
For others @ 5.50% p.a.
 Festival Advance

Class-IV employees

For other than Class.IV Employees drawing pay in the scale of pay of Rs.13360 38570/- or below.



Once in a financial year

10 equal instalments

Interest free

Special  Festival Advance
a.       Gazetted Officer

b.      Non-Gazetted Officers

c.       Class.IV employees



Once in a financial year
10 equal instalments
  Interest free
Education Advance

Non-Gazetted employees including Class IV employees.

Once in the academic year

10 equal instalments

Interest free

          In respect of all loans, the penal interest will be charged at the double the rate of normal interest in case the advances are misutilised or not utilised at all and at times the normal rates for non-compliance with formalities.

        All other conditions governing the sanction of the above advances under the existing Rules/orders will continue.

       These orders shall come into force from 01-04-2015.

G.O.Ms.No. 39 Finance(HRM.IV) dept. 15.04.2015 Download


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