Old Useful G.Os



Friday 17 April 2015

Revised Pay Scales, 2015 Service Register Entry Matter:

While implementing Revised Pay Scales, 2015 Service Register Entry matter to prepare stamps or by hand wring matter.

Revised Pay Scales, 2015

In terms of G.O. Ms.No. 25 Fin.(HRM.IV) Dept. Dt. 18.03.2015 and circular memo no. 68/1/HRM.IV/2014 Dt.04.04.2015. The incumbent has exercised option for the RPS 2015 w. e. f …………………………..........  accordingly basic pay is fixed at Rs. ……........... in the scale of........................................ in the category of ………………………...............  following pay fixation nationally from ……………….  to 01.06.2014, arrears from 02.06.2014 to 28.02.2015 orders will be issued separately, paid in cash for the salary of March, 2015 vide proceedings of the Dy.E.O/MEO/HM……………………………………….............Proc. No.................  Dt. ................

Pay regulated as on. : 

Stamp and Entry Model image
PRC SR Entry Matter

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